Tuesday 5 September 2017

Matahiwi Marae Trip

Today we went to Matahiwi Marae. I have done a Powhiri before, so it wasn't anything new to me. The only thing different was this year we all had to hongi! After a bit of Morning Tea, we split into three groups to explore the different places of the Marae. The first place my group went was the Wharenui. It was amazing inside. There were sculptures of people in tribes and Tuki Tuki panels on the walls. One of the men explained to us that Maui was the spine of the family, so he was represented at the arch of the Wharenui. There was a huge whale jawbone on the wall, that represented the sea people.

The next place we visited was the wharekai, which is like the dining room. There were paintings all over the walls, and the woman explained to us what it all meant. It was the story of Matahiwi marae.

Lastly we went to the Pae Pae. That's where the Powhiri happened. We were explained to about the theme of green around the marae. It was because there is young, living life all around Matahiwi, and green represents that.

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