Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Persuasive Speech

WALT: persuade a reader to agree with the writer’s point of view through the presentation of relevant points and supporting evidence.

The effects bullying has on Teenagers

“Get lost freak.” The message pops up on your screen. Anger swirls inside you. This has been happening for a while now. The next day you go to school and start getting taunted by some mean children. Their words are like an arrow, hitting deep down inside you. As the days go on, the bullying gets worse and you get more and more glum. Soon you will end up suffering from depression.

Depression is caused by stress and sadness. This can sometimes be caused by bullying. For those of you who don’t know what depression is, it is when you become very sad, and sink into a hole of loneliness and stress. It can ruin your life, and extreme cases can lead to suicide. It can also lead to being very unhealthy. People can become so depressed they will stop eating and just think, “what’s the point.” That is one of the most common things people say when suffering from this mental disorder. Plenty of  people have been through depression.  You might even know someone! The best thing to do is talk to your friends and family about it. They will help you work through those hard times.

One form of bullying is cyberbullying. This is when a child is receiving messages through their computer from a bully. Say you had a Facebook account.  One day you receive a rude comment on a selfie that you have posted. You think it is a one off. But the nasty comments just keep coming. One thing about Cyberbullying is that it can be concealed. You can hide it from your parents and they will never know. But that is what gets most kids. They hide from it, thinking it will go away soon. In the end, it gets so bad, you could end up suffering from depression. We know that it is a bad idea. You need to share with your family so they can help you get through it. In ways, Cyberbullying is worse than normal bullying.

Bullying can stop your health and education. It sometimes affects people's minds and they can think a bit differently. Say for example, they were getting bullied about their weight. These kids might think that if they stop eating, they will become skinnier. This is true, but it is extremely bad for your health. It can cause you a serious eating disorder called Bulimia. This is when you eat a normal meal and then make yourself sick. It can lead to you being seriously ill. Bullies can also stop you learning. Thousands of kids worldwide wake up not wanting to go to school. Sometimes they pretend to be sick and wag school. They have trouble concentrating on their school work and can fall behind in classes.

Now you see the effects of bullying. Think. Have you ever bullied someone? Maybe you have, but we know it is wrong. For any bullies out there, stop bullying now. Think of what could happen to your victim.

Something I am proud of:
My paragraphs. I had a lot of information in all of them and they were each one point.


  1. Well done this is a cool speech! Great topic to choose! :)

  2. Malena I loved your speech.
    It was very inspiring.
