Wednesday 23 March 2016

My Digital Mihi

This is my Digital Mihi. I created it using google maps. It shows my Mountain, River, Birthplace, Schools and special place. I hope you like it!

Thursday 17 March 2016

Picture Writing

Today for  our quick write we used Pic-lits to spark our imagination.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Lumsden Special Place Poem

Lumsden Poem

The smell of cooking fills the clean air and somewhere far
off a cow bell rings.
Bubbles fill the sink as the dishes splash into it.
Tiny ornaments twinkle in the swirly, coloured windows
and the taste of dinner fills your mouth.
Warm soapy water rests on your hands.

My place is like that.

Outside, the bushes are a maze.
Twisting turning shrubs blend with the brightly coloured flowers
and some old rusty chairs perch on the grass.
A badminton net rises tall in a clearing,
with racquets carelessly scattered beneath.
An old stone wall separates the garden
from black and white cows that roam up a grassy hill.

My place is like that

Clean, fresh air surges around you like a swarm of bees
and cows moo somewhere in the distance.
The old house stands tall and proud behind you,
your bare feet sink into the lush grass.
A sense of excitement  fills your body like adrenaline,
pushing you to explore.

My place is like that

The taste of bubblegum hangs around
the pink and blue bedrooms.
The steep stairs creak with the weight of plant pots
and old CDs fill the cupboards on the indoor balcony.
Music faintly plays in living room below.
Fluffy teddy bears dot the rooms,
like sheep in a field.
A sensation of home.

And Lumsden is like that.
This is my eye art for Lumsden

Friday 4 March 2016

Quirky Quick Writes!

W.A.L.T Use our imagination to write on a variety of topics for 10 minutes each day.

Adding Detail

It was a stormy day, with fast winds rushing round me. The ground was almost a river and even my raincoat was soaked through. I pulled my hood down tighter as I struggled on. Thunder boomed overhead and my cat clawed me inside my coat. Lightning illuminated the sky, showing off the angry, grey clouds. Glancing behind, me I saw the funnel of extreme wind was gaining. Hopefully, it didn’t catch me.

Around The Corner

The trees swayed in the gentle breeze and ferns tickled the edge of the path. Crunchy gravel formed a line towards the best view I had ever seen.The path dropped steeply down a sheer cliff. Beyond that cliff was paradise. Waterfalls glistening in the sunlight. Small lakes reflected a giant rainbow in the sky. Mud huts decorated with flowers dotted the landscape and wooden bridges formed over tiny streams.

First person Moment
I bumped out of the truck, my leaves scattering beside me. What was happening? Why was I being dumped on the side of the road? Thump! I was dropped into a shallow hole and someone covered my legs with soil. I tried to move but I couldn’t. The truck drove off. Sighing, I looked around me. And stopped. There on the other side of the road was another young tree. He turned his to look at me. Our eyes were so wide, I thought they would pop. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. It was like there where to invisible beams, shooting out from our eyes and entwining around each other. My arm started to reach across the road and so did his. We were both grinning, and just as we were about to touch, I felt the ground tug me back. No! Those stupid humans had prevented me from reaching the one and only thing I wanted. Love.